
See the source image
Choose a good time of day to film - sunrise or sunset
Big changes in lighting affect continuity.
Use the adventure setting
Lack of consideration of light can make the footage look bad.

Roles of lighting:
Sets the mood
Draws attention to product
Makes your actor look better
Indicates high or low quality

3 point fill lighting
3 lights create a normal looking scene with soft shadows and average colours. This used in normal scenes with any object in focus.

Chiaroscuro lighting
Characterised by harsh lighting that creates a extreme contrast between different areas of a shot, such as a characters face. Can be used in black and white is mainly used in horrors. Atmosphere will play a vital role.

High key lighting
Uses harsh, bright lights to reduce contrast in a scene, giving a scene a white washed, clean look which does not show any shadows.

Low key lighting
Creates shadows and contrast between colours. Used to create atmosphere.

Scene is lit directly from behind, usually by natural light used to create a silhouette.

Natural lighting
Light comes from the sun. Used to combine different lighting.

Artificial lighting
Comes from man made lights.


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