4x15 second adverts

Name of channel:

Genre: Horror

Overview: This will be a horror theme. The advertisement will not reveal too much information and leave the viewers on a cliff hanger. The video will be 15 seconds long.

Requirements of the brief:

Statement of intent (350 words)
Advert running length: 15 seconds each
Target audience: 16-25 year olds

How I will use media language:

Mise en scene: Props, lighting, location, costume

What I need to practice to achieve my ideas;

Filming e.g creating camera angles for effect

Advert 1 idea:

I will be on my phone by myself watching a video. Next an emergency broadcast will interrupt the video I'm watching to announce an national apocalypse. A zombie will then sneak up on me then the screen will go black to leave the audience on a cliff-hanger.

Advert 2 idea:

I will be alone in the woods where I will receive a mysterious phone call in a distorted voice. I will then carry on thinking it was a prank call until I see someone staring at me in a mask.

Advert 3 idea:

Me and a friend will be walking together in the woods. The friend will leave for one second to look at something. I will then look for them and find their body on the floor. A dark figure will then approach me from behind and then the screen will go black to leave the audience on a cliff-hanger.

Advert 4 idea:

The setting will take place in the woods and I will take clips from the movie Predator to show something lurking in the trees.


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